www.gusucode.com > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1PHP源码程序 > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1/piwik/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/API.php

 * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
 * @link http://piwik.org
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager;

use Exception;
use Piwik\Access;
use Piwik\Common;
use Piwik\Date;
use Piwik\Db;
use Piwik\IP;
use Piwik\MetricsFormatter;
use Piwik\Network\IPUtils;
use Piwik\Option;
use Piwik\Piwik;
use Piwik\ProxyHttp;
use Piwik\SettingsPiwik;
use Piwik\SettingsServer;
use Piwik\Site;
use Piwik\TaskScheduler;
use Piwik\Tracker;
use Piwik\Tracker\Cache;
use Piwik\Url;
use Piwik\UrlHelper;

 * The SitesManager API gives you full control on Websites in Piwik (create, update and delete), and many methods to retrieve websites based on various attributes.
 * This API lets you create websites via "addSite", update existing websites via "updateSite" and delete websites via "deleteSite".
 * When creating websites, it can be useful to access internal codes used by Piwik for currencies via "getCurrencyList", or timezones via "getTimezonesList".
 * There are also many ways to request a list of websites: from the website ID via "getSiteFromId" or the site URL via "getSitesIdFromSiteUrl".
 * Often, the most useful technique is to list all websites that are known to a current user, based on the token_auth, via
 * "getSitesWithAdminAccess", "getSitesWithViewAccess" or "getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess" (which returns both).
 * Some methods will affect all websites globally: "setGlobalExcludedIps" will set the list of IPs to be excluded on all websites,
 * "setGlobalExcludedQueryParameters" will set the list of URL parameters to remove from URLs for all websites.
 * The existing values can be fetched via "getExcludedIpsGlobal" and "getExcludedQueryParametersGlobal".
 * See also the documentation about <a href='http://piwik.org/docs/manage-websites/' target='_blank'>Managing Websites</a> in Piwik.
 * @method static \Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\API getInstance()
class API extends \Piwik\Plugin\API
    const DEFAULT_SEARCH_KEYWORD_PARAMETERS = 'q,query,s,search,searchword,k,keyword';
    const OPTION_EXCLUDED_IPS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_ExcludedIpsGlobal';
    const OPTION_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = 'SitesManager_DefaultTimezone';
    const OPTION_DEFAULT_CURRENCY = 'SitesManager_DefaultCurrency';
    const OPTION_EXCLUDED_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_ExcludedQueryParameters';
    const OPTION_SEARCH_KEYWORD_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_SearchKeywordParameters';
    const OPTION_SEARCH_CATEGORY_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_SearchCategoryParameters';
    const OPTION_EXCLUDED_USER_AGENTS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_ExcludedUserAgentsGlobal';
    const OPTION_SITE_SPECIFIC_USER_AGENT_EXCLUDE_ENABLE = 'SitesManager_EnableSiteSpecificUserAgentExclude';
    const OPTION_KEEP_URL_FRAGMENTS_GLOBAL = 'SitesManager_KeepURLFragmentsGlobal';

     * Returns the javascript tag for the given idSite.
     * This tag must be included on every page to be tracked by Piwik
     * @param int $idSite
     * @param string $piwikUrl
     * @param bool $mergeSubdomains
     * @param bool $groupPageTitlesByDomain
     * @param bool $mergeAliasUrls
     * @param bool $visitorCustomVariables
     * @param bool $pageCustomVariables
     * @param bool $customCampaignNameQueryParam
     * @param bool $customCampaignKeywordParam
     * @param bool $doNotTrack
     * @param bool $disableCookies
     * @return string The Javascript tag ready to be included on the HTML pages
    public function getJavascriptTag($idSite, $piwikUrl = '', $mergeSubdomains = false, $groupPageTitlesByDomain = false,
                                     $mergeAliasUrls = false, $visitorCustomVariables = false, $pageCustomVariables = false,
                                     $customCampaignNameQueryParam = false, $customCampaignKeywordParam = false,
                                     $doNotTrack = false, $disableCookies = false)

        if (empty($piwikUrl)) {
            $piwikUrl = SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl();
        $piwikUrl = Common::sanitizeInputValues($piwikUrl);

        $javascriptGenerator = new Tracker\TrackerCodeGenerator();
        $htmlEncoded = $javascriptGenerator->generate($idSite, $piwikUrl, $mergeSubdomains, $groupPageTitlesByDomain,
                                                $mergeAliasUrls, $visitorCustomVariables, $pageCustomVariables,
                                                $customCampaignNameQueryParam, $customCampaignKeywordParam,
                                                $doNotTrack, $disableCookies);
        $htmlEncoded = str_replace(array('<br>', '<br />', '<br/>'), '', $htmlEncoded);
        return $htmlEncoded;

     * Returns image link tracking code for a given site with specified options.
     * @param int $idSite The ID to generate tracking code for.
     * @param string $piwikUrl The domain and URL path to the Piwik installation.
     * @param int $idGoal An ID for a goal to trigger a conversion for.
     * @param int $revenue The revenue of the goal conversion. Only used if $idGoal is supplied.
     * @return string The HTML tracking code.
    public function getImageTrackingCode($idSite, $piwikUrl = '', $actionName = false, $idGoal = false, $revenue = false)
        $urlParams = array('idsite' => $idSite, 'rec' => 1);

        if ($actionName !== false) {
            $urlParams['action_name'] = urlencode(Common::unsanitizeInputValue($actionName));

        if ($idGoal !== false) {
            $urlParams['idGoal'] = $idGoal;
            if ($revenue !== false) {
                $urlParams['revenue'] = $revenue;

         * Triggered when generating image link tracking code server side. Plugins can use
         * this event to customise the image tracking code that is displayed to the
         * user.
         * @param string &$piwikHost The domain and URL path to the Piwik installation, eg,
         *                           `'examplepiwik.com/path/to/piwik'`.
         * @param array &$urlParams The query parameters used in the <img> element's src
         *                          URL. See Piwik's image tracking docs for more info.
        Piwik::postEvent('SitesManager.getImageTrackingCode', array(&$piwikUrl, &$urlParams));

        $piwikUrl = (ProxyHttp::isHttps() ? "https://" : "http://") . $piwikUrl . '/piwik.php';
        return "<!-- Piwik Image Tracker-->
<img src=\"$piwikUrl?" . Url::getQueryStringFromParameters($urlParams) . "\" style=\"border:0\" alt=\"\" />
<!-- End Piwik -->";

     * Returns all websites belonging to the specified group
     * @param string $group Group name
     * @return array of sites
    public function getSitesFromGroup($group)

        $group = trim($group);
        $sites = $this->getModel()->getSitesFromGroup($group);

        return $sites;

     * Returns the list of website groups, including the empty group
     * if no group were specified for some websites
     * @return array of group names strings
    public function getSitesGroups()

        $groups = $this->getModel()->getSitesGroups();
        $cleanedGroups = array_map('trim', $groups);

        return $cleanedGroups;

     * Returns the website information : name, main_url
     * @throws Exception if the site ID doesn't exist or the user doesn't have access to it
     * @param int $idSite
     * @return array
    public function getSiteFromId($idSite)

        $site = $this->getModel()->getSiteFromId($idSite);

        return $site;

    private function getModel()
        return new Model();

     * Returns the list of all URLs registered for the given idSite (main_url + alias URLs).
     * @throws Exception if the website ID doesn't exist or the user doesn't have access to it
     * @param int $idSite
     * @return array list of URLs
    public function getSiteUrlsFromId($idSite)
        return $this->getModel()->getSiteUrlsFromId($idSite);

    private function getSitesId()
        return $this->getModel()->getSitesId();

     * Returns all websites, requires Super User access
     * @return array The list of websites, indexed by idsite
    public function getAllSites()

        $sites  = $this->getModel()->getAllSites();
        $return = array();
        foreach ($sites as $site) {
            $return[$site['idsite']] = $site;


        return $return;

     * Returns the list of all the website IDs registered.
     * Requires Super User access.
     * @return array The list of website IDs
    public function getAllSitesId()
        try {
            return API::getInstance()->getSitesId();
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // can be called before Piwik tables are created so return empty
            return array();

     * Returns the list of the website IDs that received some visits since the specified timestamp.
     * Requires Super User access.
     * @param bool|int $timestamp
     * @return array The list of website IDs
    public function getSitesIdWithVisits($timestamp = false)

        if (empty($timestamp)) $timestamp = time();

        $time   = Date::factory((int)$timestamp)->getDatetime();
        $now    = Date::now()->addHour(1)->getDatetime();

        $result = $this->getModel()->getSitesWithVisits($time, $now);

        $idSites = array();
        foreach ($result as $idSite) {
            $idSites[] = $idSite['idsite'];

        return $idSites;

     * Returns the list of websites with the 'admin' access for the current user.
     * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database.
     * @param bool $fetchAliasUrls
     * @return array for each site, an array of information (idsite, name, main_url, etc.)
    public function getSitesWithAdminAccess($fetchAliasUrls = false)
        $sitesId = $this->getSitesIdWithAdminAccess();
        $sites = $this->getSitesFromIds($sitesId);

        if ($fetchAliasUrls) {
            foreach ($sites as &$site) {
                $site['alias_urls'] = API::getInstance()->getSiteUrlsFromId($site['idsite']);

        return $sites;

     * Returns the list of websites with the 'view' access for the current user.
     * For the superUser it doesn't return any result because the superUser has admin access on all the websites (use getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess() instead).
     * @return array for each site, an array of information (idsite, name, main_url, etc.)
    public function getSitesWithViewAccess()
        $sitesId = $this->getSitesIdWithViewAccess();
        return $this->getSitesFromIds($sitesId);

     * Returns the list of websites with the 'view' or 'admin' access for the current user.
     * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database.
     * @param bool|int $limit Specify max number of sites to return
     * @param bool $_restrictSitesToLogin Hack necessary when runnning scheduled tasks, where "Super User" is forced, but sometimes not desired, see #3017
     * @return array array for each site, an array of information (idsite, name, main_url, etc.)
    public function getSitesWithAtLeastViewAccess($limit = false, $_restrictSitesToLogin = false)
        $sitesId = $this->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin);
        return $this->getSitesFromIds($sitesId, $limit);

     * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'admin' access for the current user.
     * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database.
     * @return array list of websites ID
    public function getSitesIdWithAdminAccess()
        $sitesId = Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAdminAccess();
        return $sitesId;

     * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'view' access for the current user.
     * For the superUser it doesn't return any result because the superUser has admin access on all the websites (use getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess() instead).
     * @return array list of websites ID
    public function getSitesIdWithViewAccess()
        return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithViewAccess();

     * Returns the list of websites ID with the 'view' or 'admin' access for the current user.
     * For the superUser it returns all the websites in the database.
     * @param bool $_restrictSitesToLogin
     * @return array list of websites ID
    public function getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin = false)
        if (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess() && !TaskScheduler::isTaskBeingExecuted()) {
            return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();

        if (!empty($_restrictSitesToLogin)
            // Only Super User or logged in user can see viewable sites for a specific login,
            // but during scheduled task execution, we sometimes want to restrict sites to
            // a different login than the superuser.
            && (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser($_restrictSitesToLogin)
                || TaskScheduler::isTaskBeingExecuted())
        ) {

            if (Piwik::hasTheUserSuperUserAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin)) {
                return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();

            $accessRaw = Access::getInstance()->getRawSitesWithSomeViewAccess($_restrictSitesToLogin);
            $sitesId   = array();

            foreach ($accessRaw as $access) {
                $sitesId[] = $access['idsite'];

            return $sitesId;
        } else {
            return Access::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();

     * Returns the list of websites from the ID array in parameters.
     * The user access is not checked in this method so the ID have to be accessible by the user!
     * @param array $idSites list of website ID
     * @param bool $limit
     * @return array
    private function getSitesFromIds($idSites, $limit = false)
        $sites = $this->getModel()->getSitesFromIds($idSites, $limit);


        return $sites;

    protected function getNormalizedUrls($url)
        if (strpos($url, 'www.') !== false) {
            $urlBis = str_replace('www.', '', $url);
        } else {
            $urlBis = str_replace('://', '://www.', $url);

        return array($url, $urlBis);

     * Returns the list of websites ID associated with a URL.
     * @param string $url
     * @return array list of websites ID
    public function getSitesIdFromSiteUrl($url)
        $url = $this->removeTrailingSlash($url);
        list($url, $urlBis) = $this->getNormalizedUrls($url);

        if (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) {
            $ids   = $this->getModel()->getAllSitesIdFromSiteUrl($url, $urlBis);
        } else {
            $login = Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin();
            $ids   = $this->getModel()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrlHavingAccess($url, $urlBis, $login);

        return $ids;

     * Returns all websites with a timezone matching one the specified timezones
     * @param array $timezones
     * @return array
     * @ignore
    public function getSitesIdFromTimezones($timezones)

        $timezones = Piwik::getArrayFromApiParameter($timezones);
        $timezones = array_unique($timezones);

        $ids = $this->getModel()->getSitesFromTimezones($timezones);

        $return = array();
        foreach ($ids as $id) {
            $return[] = $id['idsite'];

        return $return;

     * Add a website.
     * Requires Super User access.
     * The website is defined by a name and an array of URLs.
     * @param string $siteName Site name
     * @param array|string $urls The URLs array must contain at least one URL called the 'main_url' ;
     *                        if several URLs are provided in the array, they will be recorded
     *                        as Alias URLs for this website.
     * @param int $ecommerce Is Ecommerce Reporting enabled for this website?
     * @param null $siteSearch
     * @param string $searchKeywordParameters Comma separated list of search keyword parameter names
     * @param string $searchCategoryParameters Comma separated list of search category parameter names
     * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IPs to exclude from the reports (allows wildcards)
     * @param null $excludedQueryParameters
     * @param string $timezone Timezone string, eg. 'Europe/London'
     * @param string $currency Currency, eg. 'EUR'
     * @param string $group Website group identifier
     * @param string $startDate Date at which the statistics for this website will start. Defaults to today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format
     * @param null|string $excludedUserAgents
     * @param int $keepURLFragments If 1, URL fragments will be kept when tracking. If 2, they
     *                              will be removed. If 0, the default global behavior will be used.
     * @see getKeepURLFragmentsGlobal.
     * @param string $type The website type, defaults to "website" if not set.
     * @return int the website ID created
    public function addSite($siteName,
                            $ecommerce = null,
                            $siteSearch = null,
                            $searchKeywordParameters = null,
                            $searchCategoryParameters = null,
                            $excludedIps = null,
                            $excludedQueryParameters = null,
                            $timezone = null,
                            $currency = null,
                            $group = null,
                            $startDate = null,
                            $excludedUserAgents = null,
                            $keepURLFragments = null,
                            $type = null)

        $urls = $this->cleanParameterUrls($urls);
        $siteSearch = $this->checkSiteSearch($siteSearch);
        list($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters) = $this->checkSiteSearchParameters($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters);

        $keepURLFragments = (int)$keepURLFragments;

        $timezone = trim($timezone);
        if (empty($timezone)) {
            $timezone = $this->getDefaultTimezone();

        if (empty($currency)) {
            $currency = $this->getDefaultCurrency();

        $url  = $urls[0];
        $urls = array_slice($urls, 1);

        $bind = array('name'     => $siteName,
                      'main_url' => $url,


        $bind['excluded_ips'] = $this->checkAndReturnExcludedIps($excludedIps);
        $bind['excluded_parameters']  = $this->checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($excludedQueryParameters);
        $bind['excluded_user_agents'] = $this->checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($excludedUserAgents);
        $bind['keep_url_fragment']    = $keepURLFragments;
        $bind['timezone']   = $timezone;
        $bind['currency']   = $currency;
        $bind['ecommerce']  = (int)$ecommerce;
        $bind['sitesearch'] = $siteSearch;
        $bind['sitesearch_keyword_parameters']  = $searchKeywordParameters;
        $bind['sitesearch_category_parameters'] = $searchCategoryParameters;

        if (is_null($startDate)) {
            $bind['ts_created'] = Date::now()->getDatetime();
        } else {
            $bind['ts_created'] = Date::factory($startDate)->getDatetime();

        $bind['type'] = $this->checkAndReturnType($type);

        if (!empty($group) && Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) {
            $bind['group'] = trim($group);
        } else {
            $bind['group'] = "";

        $idSite = $this->getModel()->createSite($bind);

        $this->insertSiteUrls($idSite, $urls);

        // we reload the access list which doesn't yet take in consideration this new website

         * Triggered after a site has been added.
         * @param int $idSite The ID of the site that was added.
        Piwik::postEvent('SitesManager.addSite.end', array($idSite));

        return (int) $idSite;

    private function postUpdateWebsite($idSite)

     * Delete a website from the database, given its Id.
     * Requires Super User access.
     * @param int $idSite
     * @throws Exception
    public function deleteSite($idSite)

        $idSites = API::getInstance()->getSitesId();
        if (!in_array($idSite, $idSites)) {
            throw new Exception("website id = $idSite not found");
        $nbSites = count($idSites);
        if ($nbSites == 1) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("SitesManager_ExceptionDeleteSite"));


        // we do not delete logs here on purpose (you can run these queries on the log_ tables to delete all data)

         * Triggered after a site has been deleted.
         * Plugins can use this event to remove site specific values or settings, such as removing all
         * goals that belong to a specific website. If you store any data related to a website you
         * should clean up that information here.
         * @param int $idSite The ID of the site being deleted.
        Piwik::postEvent('SitesManager.deleteSite.end', array($idSite));

     * Checks that the array has at least one element
     * @param array $urls
     * @throws Exception
    private function checkAtLeastOneUrl($urls)
        if (!is_array($urls)
            || count($urls) == 0
        ) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("SitesManager_ExceptionNoUrl"));

    private function checkValidTimezone($timezone)
        $timezones = $this->getTimezonesList();
        foreach (array_values($timezones) as $cities) {
            foreach ($cities as $timezoneId => $city) {
                if ($timezoneId == $timezone) {
                    return true;
        throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidTimezone', array($timezone)));

    private function checkValidCurrency($currency)
        if (!in_array($currency, array_keys($this->getCurrencyList()))) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidCurrency', array($currency, "USD, EUR, etc.")));

    private function checkAndReturnType($type)
        if (empty($type)) {
            $type = Site::DEFAULT_SITE_TYPE;

        if (!is_string($type)) {
            throw new Exception("Invalid website type $type");

        return $type;

     * Checks that the submitted IPs (comma separated list) are valid
     * Returns the cleaned up IPs
     * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IP addresses
     * @throws Exception
     * @return array of IPs
    private function checkAndReturnExcludedIps($excludedIps)
        if (empty($excludedIps)) {
            return '';

        $ips = explode(',', $excludedIps);
        $ips = array_map('trim', $ips);
        $ips = array_filter($ips, 'strlen');

        foreach ($ips as $ip) {
            if (!$this->isValidIp($ip)) {
                throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidIPFormat', array($ip, ", 1.2.3.*, or")));

        $ips = implode(',', $ips);
        return $ips;

     * Add a list of alias Urls to the given idSite
     * If some URLs given in parameter are already recorded as alias URLs for this website,
     * they won't be duplicated. The 'main_url' of the website won't be affected by this method.
     * @param int $idSite
     * @param array|string $urls
     * @return int the number of inserted URLs
    public function addSiteAliasUrls($idSite, $urls)

        $urls = $this->cleanParameterUrls($urls);

        $urlsInit = $this->getSiteUrlsFromId($idSite);
        $toInsert = array_diff($urls, $urlsInit);
        $this->insertSiteUrls($idSite, $toInsert);

        return count($toInsert);

     * Set the list of alias Urls for the given idSite
     * Completely overwrites the current list of URLs with the provided list.
     * The 'main_url' of the website won't be affected by this method.
     * @return int the number of inserted URLs
    public function setSiteAliasUrls($idSite, $urls = array())

        $urls = $this->cleanParameterUrls($urls);

        $this->insertSiteUrls($idSite, $urls);

        return count($urls);

     * Get the start and end IP addresses for an IP address range
     * @param string $ipRange IP address range in presentation format
     * @return array|false Array( low, high ) IP addresses in presentation format; or false if error
    public function getIpsForRange($ipRange)
        $range = IPUtils::getIPRangeBounds($ipRange);
        if ($range === null) {
            return false;

        return array(IPUtils::binaryToStringIP($range[0]), IPUtils::binaryToStringIP($range[1]));

     * Sets IPs to be excluded from all websites. IPs can contain wildcards.
     * Will also apply to websites created in the future.
     * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IPs to exclude from being tracked (allows wildcards)
     * @return bool
    public function setGlobalExcludedIps($excludedIps)
        $excludedIps = $this->checkAndReturnExcludedIps($excludedIps);
        Option::set(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_IPS_GLOBAL, $excludedIps);
        return true;

     * Sets Site Search keyword/category parameter names, to be used on websites which have not specified these values
     * Expects Comma separated list of query params names
     * @param string
     * @param string
     * @return bool
    public function setGlobalSearchParameters($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters)
        Option::set(self::OPTION_SEARCH_KEYWORD_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL, $searchKeywordParameters);
        Option::set(self::OPTION_SEARCH_CATEGORY_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL, $searchCategoryParameters);
        return true;

     * @return string Comma separated list of URL parameters
    public function getSearchKeywordParametersGlobal()
        $names = Option::get(self::OPTION_SEARCH_KEYWORD_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL);
        if ($names === false) {
            $names = self::DEFAULT_SEARCH_KEYWORD_PARAMETERS;
        if (empty($names)) {
            $names = '';
        return $names;

     * @return string Comma separated list of URL parameters
    public function getSearchCategoryParametersGlobal()

     * Returns the list of URL query parameters that are excluded from all websites
     * @return string Comma separated list of URL parameters
    public function getExcludedQueryParametersGlobal()
        return Option::get(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL);

     * Returns the list of user agent substrings to look for when excluding visits for
     * all websites. If a visitor's user agent string contains one of these substrings,
     * their visits will not be included.
     * @return string Comma separated list of strings.
    public function getExcludedUserAgentsGlobal()
        return Option::get(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_USER_AGENTS_GLOBAL);

     * Sets list of user agent substrings to look for when excluding visits. For more info,
     * @see getExcludedUserAgentsGlobal.
     * @param string $excludedUserAgents Comma separated list of strings. Each element is trimmed,
     *                                   and empty strings are removed.
    public function setGlobalExcludedUserAgents($excludedUserAgents)

        // update option
        $excludedUserAgents = $this->checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($excludedUserAgents);
        Option::set(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_USER_AGENTS_GLOBAL, $excludedUserAgents);

        // make sure tracker cache will reflect change

     * Returns true if site-specific user agent exclusion has been enabled. If it hasn't,
     * only the global user agent substrings (see @setGlobalExcludedUserAgents) will be used.
     * @return bool
    public function isSiteSpecificUserAgentExcludeEnabled()
        return (bool)Option::get(self::OPTION_SITE_SPECIFIC_USER_AGENT_EXCLUDE_ENABLE);

     * Sets whether it should be allowed to exclude different user agents for different
     * websites.
     * @param bool $enabled
    public function setSiteSpecificUserAgentExcludeEnabled($enabled)

        // update option
        Option::set(self::OPTION_SITE_SPECIFIC_USER_AGENT_EXCLUDE_ENABLE, $enabled);

        // make sure tracker cache will reflect change

     * Returns true if the default behavior is to keep URL fragments when tracking,
     * false if otherwise.
     * @return bool
    public function getKeepURLFragmentsGlobal()
        return (bool)Option::get(self::OPTION_KEEP_URL_FRAGMENTS_GLOBAL);

     * Sets whether the default behavior should be to keep URL fragments when
     * tracking or not.
     * @param $enabled bool If true, the default behavior will be to keep URL
     *                      fragments when tracking. If false, the default
     *                      behavior will be to remove them.
    public function setKeepURLFragmentsGlobal($enabled)

        // update option
        Option::set(self::OPTION_KEEP_URL_FRAGMENTS_GLOBAL, $enabled);

        // make sure tracker cache will reflect change

     * Sets list of URL query parameters to be excluded on all websites.
     * Will also apply to websites created in the future.
     * @param string $excludedQueryParameters Comma separated list of URL query parameters to exclude from URLs
     * @return bool
    public function setGlobalExcludedQueryParameters($excludedQueryParameters)
        $excludedQueryParameters = $this->checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($excludedQueryParameters);
        Option::set(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_QUERY_PARAMETERS_GLOBAL, $excludedQueryParameters);
        return true;

     * Returns the list of IPs that are excluded from all websites
     * @return string Comma separated list of IPs
    public function getExcludedIpsGlobal()
        return Option::get(self::OPTION_EXCLUDED_IPS_GLOBAL);

     * Returns the default currency that will be set when creating a website through the API.
     * @return string Currency ID eg. 'USD'
    public function getDefaultCurrency()
        $defaultCurrency = Option::get(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_CURRENCY);
        if ($defaultCurrency) {
            return $defaultCurrency;
        return 'USD';

     * Sets the default currency that will be used when creating websites
     * @param string $defaultCurrency Currency code, eg. 'USD'
     * @return bool
    public function setDefaultCurrency($defaultCurrency)
        Option::set(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_CURRENCY, $defaultCurrency);
        return true;

     * Returns the default timezone that will be set when creating a website through the API.
     * Via the UI, if the default timezone is not UTC, it will be pre-selected in the drop down
     * @return string Timezone eg. UTC+7 or Europe/Paris
    public function getDefaultTimezone()
        $defaultTimezone = Option::get(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE);
        if ($defaultTimezone) {
            return $defaultTimezone;
        return 'UTC';

     * Sets the default timezone that will be used when creating websites
     * @param string $defaultTimezone Timezone string eg. Europe/Paris or UTC+8
     * @return bool
    public function setDefaultTimezone($defaultTimezone)
        Option::set(self::OPTION_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE, $defaultTimezone);
        return true;

     * Update an existing website.
     * If only one URL is specified then only the main url will be updated.
     * If several URLs are specified, both the main URL and the alias URLs will be updated.
     * @param int $idSite website ID defining the website to edit
     * @param string $siteName website name
     * @param string|array $urls the website URLs
     * @param int $ecommerce Whether Ecommerce is enabled, 0 or 1
     * @param null|int $siteSearch Whether site search is enabled, 0 or 1
     * @param string $searchKeywordParameters Comma separated list of search keyword parameter names
     * @param string $searchCategoryParameters Comma separated list of search category parameter names
     * @param string $excludedIps Comma separated list of IPs to exclude from being tracked (allows wildcards)
     * @param null|string $excludedQueryParameters
     * @param string $timezone Timezone
     * @param string $currency Currency code
     * @param string $group Group name where this website belongs
     * @param string $startDate Date at which the statistics for this website will start. Defaults to today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format
     * @param null|string $excludedUserAgents
     * @param int|null $keepURLFragments If 1, URL fragments will be kept when tracking. If 2, they
     *                                   will be removed. If 0, the default global behavior will be used.
     * @param string $type The Website type, default value is "website"
     * @throws Exception
     * @see getKeepURLFragmentsGlobal. If null, the existing value will
     *                                   not be modified.
     * @return bool true on success
    public function updateSite($idSite,
                               $siteName = null,
                               $urls = null,
                               $ecommerce = null,
                               $siteSearch = null,
                               $searchKeywordParameters = null,
                               $searchCategoryParameters = null,
                               $excludedIps = null,
                               $excludedQueryParameters = null,
                               $timezone = null,
                               $currency = null,
                               $group = null,
                               $startDate = null,
                               $excludedUserAgents = null,
                               $keepURLFragments = null,
                               $type = null)

        $idSites = API::getInstance()->getSitesId();
        if (!in_array($idSite, $idSites)) {
            throw new Exception("website id = $idSite not found");

        // Build the SQL UPDATE based on specified updates to perform
        $bind = array();

        if (!is_null($siteName)) {
            $bind['name'] = $siteName;

        if (!is_null($urls)) {
            $urls = $this->cleanParameterUrls($urls);
            $url = $urls[0];
            $bind['main_url'] = $url;

        if (!is_null($currency)) {
            $currency = trim($currency);
            $bind['currency'] = $currency;
        if (!is_null($timezone)) {
            $timezone = trim($timezone);
            $bind['timezone'] = $timezone;
        if (!is_null($group)
            && Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()
        ) {
            $bind['group'] = trim($group);
        if (!is_null($ecommerce)) {
            $bind['ecommerce'] = (int)(bool)$ecommerce;
        if (!is_null($startDate)) {
            $bind['ts_created'] = Date::factory($startDate)->getDatetime();
        $bind['excluded_ips'] = $this->checkAndReturnExcludedIps($excludedIps);
        $bind['excluded_parameters'] = $this->checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($excludedQueryParameters);
        $bind['excluded_user_agents'] = $this->checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($excludedUserAgents);

        if (!is_null($keepURLFragments)) {
            $keepURLFragments = (int)$keepURLFragments;

            $bind['keep_url_fragment'] = $keepURLFragments;

        $bind['sitesearch'] = $this->checkSiteSearch($siteSearch);
        list($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters) = $this->checkSiteSearchParameters($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters);
        $bind['sitesearch_keyword_parameters'] = $searchKeywordParameters;
        $bind['sitesearch_category_parameters'] = $searchCategoryParameters;
        $bind['type'] = $this->checkAndReturnType($type);

        $this->getModel()->updateSite($bind, $idSite);

        // we now update the main + alias URLs

        if (count($urls) > 1) {
            $this->addSiteAliasUrls($idSite, array_slice($urls, 1));


     * Updates the field ts_created for the specified websites.
     * @param $idSites int Id Site to update ts_created
     * @param $minDate Date to set as creation date. To play it safe it will substract one more day.
     * @ignore
    public function updateSiteCreatedTime($idSites, Date $minDate)
        $idSites = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($idSites);

        $minDateSql = $minDate->subDay(1)->getDatetime();

        $this->getModel()->updateSiteCreatedTime($idSites, $minDateSql);

    private function checkAndReturnCommaSeparatedStringList($parameters)
        $parameters = trim($parameters);
        if (empty($parameters)) {
            return '';

        $parameters = explode(',', $parameters);
        $parameters = array_map('trim', $parameters);
        $parameters = array_filter($parameters, 'strlen');
        $parameters = array_unique($parameters);
        return implode(',', $parameters);

     * Returns the list of supported currencies
     * @see getCurrencySymbols()
     * @return array ( currencyId => currencyName)
    public function getCurrencyList()
        $currencies = MetricsFormatter::getCurrencyList();
        return array_map(function ($a) {
            return $a[1] . " (" . $a[0] . ")";
        }, $currencies);

     * Returns the list of currency symbols
     * @see getCurrencyList()
     * @return array( currencyId => currencySymbol )
    public function getCurrencySymbols()
        $currencies = MetricsFormatter::getCurrencyList();
        return array_map(function ($a) {
            return $a[0];
        }, $currencies);

     * Return true if Timezone support is enabled on server
     * @return bool
    public function isTimezoneSupportEnabled()
        return SettingsServer::isTimezoneSupportEnabled();

     * Returns the list of timezones supported.
     * Used for addSite and updateSite
     * @return array of timezone strings
    public function getTimezonesList()
        if (!SettingsServer::isTimezoneSupportEnabled()) {
            return array('UTC' => $this->getTimezonesListUTCOffsets());

        $continents = array('Africa', 'America', 'Antarctica', 'Arctic', 'Asia', 'Atlantic', 'Australia', 'Europe', 'Indian', 'Pacific');
        $timezones = timezone_identifiers_list();

        $return = array();
        foreach ($timezones as $timezone) {
            // filter out timezones not recognized by strtotime()
            // @see http://bugs.php.net/46111
            $testDate = '2008-09-18 13:00:00 ' . $timezone;
            if (!strtotime($testDate)) {

            $timezoneExploded = explode('/', $timezone);
            $continent = $timezoneExploded[0];

            // only display timezones that are grouped by continent
            if (!in_array($continent, $continents)) {
            $city = $timezoneExploded[1];
            if (!empty($timezoneExploded[2])) {
                $city .= ' - ' . $timezoneExploded[2];
            $city = str_replace('_', ' ', $city);
            $return[$continent][$timezone] = $city;

        foreach ($continents as $continent) {
            if (!empty($return[$continent])) {

        $return['UTC'] = $this->getTimezonesListUTCOffsets();
        return $return;

    private function getTimezonesListUTCOffsets()
        // manually add the UTC offsets
        $GmtOffsets = array(-12, -11.5, -11, -10.5, -10, -9.5, -9, -8.5, -8, -7.5, -7, -6.5, -6, -5.5, -5, -4.5, -4, -3.5, -3, -2.5, -2, -1.5, -1, -0.5,
                            0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 5.75, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 8.75, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, 12, 12.75, 13, 13.75, 14);

        $return = array();
        foreach ($GmtOffsets as $offset) {
            $offset = Common::forceDotAsSeparatorForDecimalPoint($offset);

            if ($offset > 0) {
                $offset = '+' . $offset;
            } elseif ($offset == 0) {
                $offset = '';
            $offset = 'UTC' . $offset;
            $offsetName = str_replace(array('.25', '.5', '.75'), array(':15', ':30', ':45'), $offset);
            $return[$offset] = $offsetName;
        return $return;

     * Returns the list of unique timezones from all configured sites.
     * @return array ( string )
    public function getUniqueSiteTimezones()

        return $this->getModel()->getUniqueSiteTimezones();

     * Insert the list of alias URLs for the website.
     * The URLs must not exist already for this website!
    private function insertSiteUrls($idSite, $urls)
        if (count($urls) != 0) {
            foreach ($urls as $url) {
                try {
                    $this->getModel()->insertSiteUrl($idSite, $url);
                } catch(Exception $e) {
                    // See bug #4149

     * Remove the final slash in the URLs if found
     * @param string $url
     * @return string the URL without the trailing slash
    private function removeTrailingSlash($url)
        // if there is a final slash, we take the URL without this slash (expected URL format)
        if (strlen($url) > 5
            && $url[strlen($url) - 1] == '/'
        ) {
            $url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1);

        return $url;

     * Tests if the URL is a valid URL
     * @param string $url
     * @return bool
    private function isValidUrl($url)
        return UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($url);

     * Tests if the IP is a valid IP, allowing wildcards, except in the first octet.
     * Wildcards can only be used from right to left, ie. 1.1.*.* is allowed, but 1.1.*.1 is not.
     * @param string $ip IP address
     * @return bool
    private function isValidIp($ip)
        return IPUtils::getIPRangeBounds($ip) !== null;

     * Check that the website name has a correct format.
     * @param $siteName
     * @throws Exception
    private function checkName($siteName)
        if (empty($siteName)) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate("SitesManager_ExceptionEmptyName"));

    private function checkSiteSearch($siteSearch)
        if ($siteSearch === null) {
            return "1";
        return $siteSearch == 1 ? "1" : "0";

    private function checkSiteSearchParameters($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters)
        $searchKeywordParameters = trim($searchKeywordParameters);
        $searchCategoryParameters = trim($searchCategoryParameters);
        if (empty($searchKeywordParameters)) {
            $searchKeywordParameters = '';

        if (empty($searchCategoryParameters)) {
            $searchCategoryParameters = '';

        return array($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters);

     * Check that the array of URLs are valid URLs
     * @param array $urls
     * @throws Exception if any of the urls is not valid
    private function checkUrls($urls)
        foreach ($urls as $url) {
            if (!$this->isValidUrl($url)) {
                throw new Exception(sprintf(Piwik::translate("SitesManager_ExceptionInvalidUrl"), $url));

     * Clean the parameter URLs:
     * - if the parameter is a string make it an array
     * - remove the trailing slashes if found
     * @param string|array urls
     * @return array the array of cleaned URLs
    private function cleanParameterUrls($urls)
        if (!is_array($urls)) {
            $urls = array($urls);

        $urls = array_filter($urls);
        $urls = array_map('urldecode', $urls);

        foreach ($urls as &$url) {
            $url = $this->removeTrailingSlash($url);
            if (strpos($url, 'http') !== 0) {
                $url = 'http://' . $url;
            $url = trim($url);
            $url = Common::sanitizeInputValue($url);

        $urls = array_unique($urls);
        return $urls;

    public function renameGroup($oldGroupName, $newGroupName)

        if ($oldGroupName == $newGroupName) {
            return true;

        $sitesHavingOldGroup = $this->getSitesFromGroup($oldGroupName);

        foreach ($sitesHavingOldGroup as $site) {
                              $siteName = null,
                              $urls = null,
                              $ecommerce = null,
                              $siteSearch = null,
                              $searchKeywordParameters = null,
                              $searchCategoryParameters = null,
                              $excludedIps = null,
                              $excludedQueryParameters = null,
                              $timezone = null,
                              $currency = null,

        return true;

    public function getPatternMatchSites($pattern)
        $ids = $this->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
        if (empty($ids)) {
            return array();

        $limit = SettingsPiwik::getWebsitesCountToDisplay();
        $sites = $this->getModel()->getPatternMatchSites($ids, $pattern, $limit);

        return $sites;

     * Utility function that throws if a value is not valid for the 'keep_url_fragment'
     * column of the piwik_site table.
     * @param int $keepURLFragments
     * @throws Exception
    private static function checkKeepURLFragmentsValue($keepURLFragments)
        // make sure value is between 0 & 2
        if (!in_array($keepURLFragments, array(0, 1, 2))) {
            throw new Exception("Error in SitesManager.updateSite: keepURLFragments must be between 0 & 2" .
                " (actual value: $keepURLFragments).");